Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Time Flies...

It had been my intention (and a good one too) to keep updating this since I got back. However, I was unprepared for the barage of work that would be laid on me, and just how much time it would consume. But like otherthings in my life, I am unwilling to let this set back discourage me. So here is a brief update of my life...

I am two thirds done with my first semester in college. On Friday, I had my last mid-term exam to hand in. So I am feeling unrestrained at this moment. However it is only 5 weeks till finals week. So I must not let this feeling of unrestraint blind me to the work that is coming up very fast.

The Lord has taught me so much through this first semester. I have been reminded over and over again just how little I actually know and I have learned to trust Him to work out the little details. I am learning to lean on Him as my strength and portion because otherwise I think I would go mad. I have made some very special friends here who are such an encouragement to me both with the school load and with my walk with God.

I am still involved with the Highschool ministry at my church and I love serving in this ministry. We had quite a number of freshman join our biblestudy this semester and, as a biblestudy, we have all bonded really well. For those of you who are wondering, Sam and I are still dating. It is coming up 5 months since we started dating and things are going well. Sam is a blessing from God, and I love that we are able to serve together in the Highschool ministry.

In the U.S., we are just starting the holiday season. Thanksgiving is a week from Thursday and then Christmas is just around the corner. This is a time when life just gets crazy. We have dinners and parties and events to go to for every group and ministry that we are involved with not to mention all the family fun. But it is such a fun time and well worth the craziness of it all.
Tomorrow night, our Biblestudy is going to kick of this holiday season with our Thanksgiving dinner. It is just a pot-luck style meal, but it is great fun.

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